It was wet. It was raining most of the day, which meant wet everything. By the time I was done, I had gone through my second pair of socks, boots were soaked through. All clothing was soaked through, and wearing cotton underwear that was the only thing that did not dry out apart from the feet.
The herd paths up Balsam Cap and Friday were really pretty good. The herd path over Dink to Cornell was obscured at both ends, but overall not that bad. The marked trails though were all puddles and mud when not rocks. The infamous Cornell Crack was nothing that difficult for someone that's experienced. Cornell and Wittenberg though felt like the ADK peaks. The rocks were solid and trails were similar.
With the rain, well, I got soaked through. Forecast the night before said rain all day. Forecast at 4 in the morning said rain ending by 7. It ended around noon, and got sunny on the last mile. Ugh. No views to speak of, but overall it was a good hike.
this makes me having summited all 33 3500 mountains, and I now just need to do Slide mountain outside of winter to complete it. That's Tuesday.
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