Welcome to my website!  I have many interests and this is the place for me to gather work I have done, recipes I like, pictures I've taken, and blog about my adventures.

A large part of my life was spent with ADF.  I left that organization for many reasons, which as far as I have heard are still valid.  You can read about that in the blog post.  I still maintain all the work I had done for the organization and to become a priest because that was an enormous undertaking.  That work can still be found on this website.

When I left ADF, I helped found a schism group that I am currently the President of, The Ring of *Ghosti-.  All my religious focus has been there since March of 2020.  I am an ordaned priest through them, and can act as one whereve needed.  There are many services related to the Neo-Pagan beliefs that I do offer.

I do maintain a blog on this site.  In there you will find all kinds of things ranging from my thoughts on current events to my hiking adventures.  Within that, you can see what I have done for various challenges.  I have completed the 46ers, hiking the 46 peaks over 4000 feet in elevation located within the Adirondack Park, and am currently working on completing them a second time in the winter.  I also  have completed the Catskill 3500, hiking all 33 peaks over 3500 in the Catskills plus 4 of them a second time (required once in winter season and once outside of winter), and am currently working on a completing them a second time in winter.  Those two are major accomplishments to complete.  I have or am working on many of the various other challenges within the Catskills and Adirondacks, specifically the Lake George 12, Lake Placid 9, Saranac 6, Tupper Triad, ADK and Catskill Fire Towers....   These will appear in the blog as I go along, and you can find their specific posts by searching through the categoreis.  Any of the hiking posts should have pictures taken on the hikes and a map of the hike in them.  The pictures can also be seen by searching the photo album.